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Who is Marie ?

Who am I?

Well, I'm not going to play the ‘philosophy’ game, but I'm sure some people would be curious to know more about who I am on a day-to-day basis...

So my husband took a few hand-picked questions from the net and I'm going to answer them with the utmost sincerity.

Let's gooooo !!!!


1/ How would I describe my relationship with the world? Am I more into action or observation?

I'm more of an observer of a world that fascinates me as much as it frightens me. I've always fought against the injustice done to fragile people and animal distress.

2/ What gets me up in the morning? What makes me want to stay in bed?

I love Disney, it's my pilgrimage, much to my husband's dismay, and when the weather's gloomy I'd just as soon stay in bed...

3/ What are my passions?

My work, creative hobbies with my children, pampering my animals, have become a balance for me.

5/ What would I like to see change in the world?

I'd like to see less misery, more consideration for animals and, of course, major scientific advances in cancer treatment.



8/ How would you describe yourself? What is my temperament? What can I never change?

I'm an all-round person, albeit with a few anomalies ;), I'm full of life, fun and sociable, and no one can ever take my morning joy away from me.

9/ What is the best piece of advice I could give myself and apply to myself?


10/ Do I like myself? What do I like about myself? What don't I like?

Hoooo yesiiii I love myself, but I don't love my feet and my nose looool, but I do love my eyes.

11/ What emotions do I experience most in my life? And the ones I'm least familiar with?

I'm very sensitive, I cry easily, and I don't think I've ever had a tantrum, although my husband and children annoy me !!!!

13/ What do I identify with to create my personal identity? Is this really who I am?

What kind of question is that? I'm an otter !!!! ???? Is that the answer?

14/ Am I a ‘normal’ person? Why should that be?

Well, I think so? well, according to my psychiatrist in depression loool



15/ What impression do I generally make on others? What do others often notice about me?

A feeling of sympathy and benevolence, they seem to enjoy me ....!!!

17/ Am I empathetic? Am I interested in other people? How do I go about getting to know them?

In my job, if you're not at least a gossip, you can't sell !!!!!!!! So I'm the kind of person who wants to know everything about your life, to understand you better!

My neighbours do too, but that's just out of curiosity!!! Having said that, I talk a lot, and I also listen carefully !!!!

18/ What aspects of other people fascinate me? To what extent am I capable of admiring others?

People with a steely spirit who fight a battle like mine.

19/ Am I satisfied with my current circle of friends?

Yes, absolutely, I don't have many friendships, but they're real and sincere, and that's the most important thing.

20/ If I'm interested, what do I want from a relationship?

Pfffffffff, good! Questionnaire made by my husband who didn't even read what he found on the net !!!! Mdrrrrr

23 years of love !!!! but apparently I can be interested in something else? looool

21/ What do the people around me bring me? What do I give them?

Strength, love, courage.....I give it back.



24/ What helps me recharge my batteries? To feel better?

I recharge my batteries when I'm with my family and at work.

25/ If I were to invent an imaginary refuge, what would it look like?

A wooden house in a green area or forest surrounded by abandoned animals.

26/ What habits could I incorporate into my lifestyle to make me feel more serene?

Nothing, I'm fine...

27/ How do I wake up?

I always get up on the right foot, ready to start the day....

28/ Am I happy with my body?

Is this a serious question?




29/ Am I often in the past, present or future?

The past the past, the present I live....the future I'll think about tomorrow.....simple, isn't it?

30/ If I had to choose one maxim to follow, what would it be? Why or why not?

Galienne Maxime ???? he's my radiotherapist.....loool

Otherwise, my saying... :

It's going to be OK!!!

that's what I say all the time!

32/ Do I have any dreams? What's stopping me from making them come true?

See the lanterns in the sky rise !!!! if you have the ref, well done!

33/ Do I have the impression that I'm in control of my life or do I just let things happen to me? What is my approach to myself, to others and to events?

Generally speaking, I let myself be carried along (57kg!!!). My shoulder is my husband, and I trust him with my life choices, all his choices are based on the well-being of the children and myself, I admit that sometimes his choices have scared me, we've taken big risks but as he says himself :

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

34/ What are my unmet needs?

A real estate project has fallen by the the Titanic, it has sunk into the abyss.....

35/ What keeps me alive?

Water, food and rubbing !!!! mdrrrr


This questionnaire that my husband wanted to put me through was a bit nerve-wracking, but I think I've got to know myself a bit better....

Kisses everyone Let's goooooo !

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