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Some days are just like that....

Hello everyone 😊

Well, I'm going to tell you right now, today's not going to be a great day,

Let me explain....

I'm usually called in between 8.30 and 10.30 for my radiotherapy sessions, but today I had an appointment for 4.48 pm....yes, I know, it's very precise, but who knows why?

As usual, I take my emetic 2 hours beforehand, then my chemo and I'm ready for the radiotherapy....

At the end of the corridor leading to the waiting room, I see people standing up and wheelchairs out of zone...., so I realise that there's a delay, but it doesn't matter, after all, we're all entitled to be late.

As I look at the patients around me, I can feel a sense of unease rising inside me.... it comes from the patients themselves

I see patients in a very unfavourable state of health, with a cancer that has already hit them hard, we're not going to lie, when we look at them we all have the same morbid thought, you don't have to be a doctor for that, it's a question of logic.

One of them is very thin, another is spitting blood, their faces are closed and tense.....bref I don't feel well at all, and I notice one thing they all have in common, yes all of them, but not me....They're all old....

At that moment I feel like crying, the tears come but I hold myself back with all my strength because my mother is with me and she, who is already not well morally....

After a few minutes of waiting, it's my turn, and this time I've asked to have my photo taken so that I can show you how my session goes....

Have you seen what it's like?

Well, for the record, the mask is clipped onto the table, so I can't move my head at all, and it's really stuck on, so I've even got marks on my face when I come out.....

They look like little pimples.....Hey, and it's taking me several minutes to get used to it, well...

I went home to my husband and children, burst into tears in their arms and explained to my husband why.....đŸ‘šâ€đŸ‘©â€đŸ‘§â€đŸ‘ŠđŸ˜­

As a result, he bought me some Mi-cho-ko loool, which is a real comfort đŸ«đŸ«đŸ«

When you're feeling down, have a Mi-cho-ko....!!!!đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

today was a bad day !

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